
Straightforward JSON serialization & deserialization library for Java.

Source Code




Usage Examples

Note: These are very basic examples and will be updated to include more realistic use cases.

Deserializing a JSON object from a string:

import org.lavajuno.lucidjson.JsonObject;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = "{ \"myKey\": \"myValue\" }";
    JsonObject o = JsonObject.from(s);

Serializing a JSON object to a string:

import org.lavajuno.lucidjson.JsonObject;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = o.toJsonString(true);

Note: The above methods are identical for JSON arrays.

Modifying JSON objects:

import org.lavajuno.lucidjson.JsonObject;
import org.lavajuno.lucidjson.JsonString;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    JsonObject o = JsonObject.from("{ \"myKey\": \"myValue\" }");
    o.put("myKey2", new JsonString("myValue2"));

Implementing JsonSerializable for a class:

import org.lavajuno.lucidjson.JsonNumber;

public class User implements JsonSerializable {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public User() {
        name = "";
        age = -1;

    public JsonObject toJsonObject() {
        JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
        o.put("name", new JsonString(name));
        o.put("age", new JsonNumber(age));
        return o;

    public void fromJsonObject(JsonObject o) { = ((JsonString) o.get("name")).value();
        this.age = ((JsonNumber) o.get("age")).toInt();

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = "{\"name\":\"bob\",\"age\":12345}";
    User a = new User();
    a.fromJsonString(s); // deserialize from JSON string
    String s = a.toJsonString(); // serialize to JSON string

Classes only need to implement toJsonObject() and fromJsonObject(). Serialization / deserialization to and from strings is handled by the interface.

This behavior can be overridden if desired.

Use Cases

lucidjson is designed to allow you to easily write custom JSON serialization & deserialization functions for classes. It can also be used to modify JSON documents without loading them into a rigid class structure.


lucidjson is Free and Open Source Software, and is released under the MIT license. (See LICENSE)